Chapters Interactive

What is it?

Chapters Interactive is a unique, choose-your-own-adventure style storytelling app.

Several Jessica Lemmon books have been adapted into the app, which means the characters you know and love (or maybe meeting for the first time!) have been given the animation treatment. In some cases, the adapted story closely mirrors the book, and in others the story veers away from the book, giving the reader an entirely new experience.

To play:

  1. Download the Chapters App on your device: Apple  |  Android

  2. Search for the book’s title

  3. Start playing!


BOOK Adaptations on the app:

*Please note that if you click on a cover, it will take you to the book’s page on this website. Chapters doesn’t have a way to link directly to the game, so you’ll need to search by the title to play. 💛

Foreign Translations


Chapters Collector’s Cards

For a totally immersive experience…